
Lisa Lecturing

An experienced teacher and speaker, Lisa has taught job skills to disadvantaged women, technical and creative writing to all ages, and career and marketing skills to adults. She regularly teaches academic writing, public speaking, and essay writing, and has served as a presenter for library-related conferences.

Lisa holds an MFA in Creative Writing, a BA in English with a minor in Journalism, and an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts. She holds certificates in travel writing, library science, management, and other various professional skills.

Twice a year, Lisa leads creative writing workshops for adults and produces in-person writer retreats at unique locations in central West Virginia. A published author, Lisa speaks at conferences and events and presents literary readings of her work in and around her local community.

Please feel free to contact her to learn more about having her speak, present, or offer workshops in your area.

Lisa’s online publication, Two-Lane Renaissance offers updates on upcoming classes, workshops, books, published work, and programs. Feel free to sign up at twolanelivin.com.